iTracking I & I Tracking

Introducing a digital technology that cost effectively provides real solutions for wastewater collection networks.

Eastech has developed a newly patented breakthrough technology ( iTracking ) for determining the operating performance of wastewater collection networks on a round the clockbasis.Through the unique coupling of low cost sensors,wireless connectivity and high speed analytics, it is now possible to cost effectively deliver extremely reliable solutions for the efficient and sustainable operation of these valuable underground assets.

Wi-Fi / Cellular Enabled Sensors

State-of-the-art iTracker® sensors operating on preset time schedules continuously track collection system performance by measuring and recording volumetric changes in wastewater levels between dry day and wet weather events. Requiring no confined space entry, repetitive maintenance or “in the road” data collection, ITracker sensors offer an inexpensive, safe method for managing wastewater collection networks. Operating data is safely and effortlessly retrieved through either Wi-Fi or Cellular enabled technology.

Why iTracking has the edge on everything else

SAFE: Non-Confined Space Installationitracker installation

iTracker® installation is accomplished in just 20 minutes without the need for confined space installation.

The real safety concerns associated with any sewer study lie in the risks associated with confined-space entry, repetitive maintenance and “in the road” data retrieval.

SMART: Simple setup.
Wireless Connectivity

iTracker sensors allow for smart and effortless data retrieval through either Wi-Fi or cellular-based technology.

Simple and Safe Operation

Wi-Fi and cellular enabled iTracker sensors allow for remote data retrieval direct from the safety of your vehicle, sidewalk or office. The days of having to place yourself in the middle of flowing traffic to download data are history.

At-A-Glance Analysis

With the simple “click” of a button, analytical charts, hydrographs and automated reports appear on your mobile device or PC clearly detailing the day-to-day performance of your wastewater collection grid.

A better way for Identifying impending overflows

The iTracker 1st ResponseTM is a fully integrated, battery powered Sanitary Sewer Overflow and Back-Up Prevention Monitor capable of alerting municipal personnel within minutes of an impending overflow or basement back-up condition.

Eastech has developed a low-cost cellular-based sensor (iTracker 1st ResponseTM) capable of proactively alerting O&M personnel in real time of an impending overflow or backup weeks prior to the event actually taking place.

Early-Warning Cellular Alerts

Upon wastewater levels reaching a user-defined height, early- warning cellular text messages are dispatched alerting maintenance personnel of the possibility of a surcharge event or residential back-up. To confirm that an alert was received, a user response must be activated otherwise the alert will be resent on a continual basis. Depending upon desired battery life (up to 3 years), manholes may be monitored at pre-determined, user-selectable time intervals.

Identifying the problem

The 1st Response, in conjunction with the SewerWatch®App, provides O&M personnel with access to historical data informing them of exactly what had previously transpired within the collection system leading up to an early warning alert.


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